
✓ Ban Min Jung wins defamation case against a newspaper editor for malicious articles

This is related to Ban Min Jung's sexual assault case against Jo Deok Jae. During the trial, Jo Deok Jae allegedly gave information to the newspaper editor who used it to write negative articles about Ban Min Jung, to destroy her credibility. The court has proven the link between the two men and sentenced the editor to jail time. Jo Deok Jae had previously been sentenced as well after he was ruled innocent on his first trial. This is about unsollicited touching while filming a movie scene. After his guilty verdict, the actor still claimed his innocence, saying he can't accept it as an actor, he released an on set footage and commented "so is this Jo Deok-Jae, a sex maniac who apparently harassed a cousin of a former United Nations’ Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, while on set?", the footage split the public opinion in half. You can see the footage and read about it here (Link)

[+630,-133] Ban Min Jung is one scary woman...

[+482, -78] Just a year ago this woman threatened to sue anyone in the public who'd mention her real name but now she's acting honorable? You actually think you won, Ban Min Jung sshi?  I'm ashamed of you as a woman. Contrary to the law's ruling, the public already convicted you?

[+337, -39] I hope to stop seeing you on TV

[+240, -41] Why do you keep putting out stories about this woman, I don't want to see this

[+214, -38] that's false news so what, why do you pretend to be a victim of sexual violence with something different 

[+76, -13] Jo Deok Jae actor-nim, find strength

[+60, -4] How is that a sexual assault when there were more than 30 staff members looking at everything... Just stick to filming erotic movies between women then

[+374, 61] Ban Min Jung, enough. Stop acting and go reflect on what you've done to a man's life. We all know the truth about you.

[+248, -34] I'm afraid more people will follow the noise marketing of this C-list actress who screwed up a man

[+206, -20] Be careful if you are shooting a drama or a movie with this woman. If it's a brawl scene, it's defamation. If it's an action scene it's assault. If it's an affectionate scene, it's sexual harassment. If it's a rape scene, you'll be booked for sexual assault.

[+108, -12] It's scary of you associate with this woman

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