Article: A's lawyers, "He had no intention of blackmailing or leaking Goo Hara's video"
Source: Newsen via Nate
A's lawyers: "First of all, there was no intention of blackmail at all. Goo Hara herself was the one who wanted to film the video..."
1. [+3,179, -87] Is his lawyer dumb? How can he call that an excuse ㅋ
2. [+3,118, -193] So he had no intention of ever releasing it but that's why he contacted Dispatch twice and even sent the video to Goo Hara threatening to blackmail her ㅋㅋㅋ Can't wait for all the dumb Korean men to defend him in the comments here.
3. [+2,774, -262] What is he saying... what woman would ever offer to film a sex video first???
4. [+271, -2] So even after breaking up, he not only kept the video but sent it to her too?? That's so psychopathic;; what a pathetic excuse.
5. [+260, -2] What does he think threatening to end someone's celebrity career and sending a video is if not blackmail? ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+247, -2] It doesn't matter who wanted to film the video first. Facts of the matter are: #1 he was in possession of the video #2 he told Goo Hara he was going to end her career #3 he told Goo Hara multiple times that he still had the video #4 he told Dispatch and other news outlets that he had the video. This isn't just a simple threat. He had full intentions of using the video to completely ruin her standing in society. He's such a trash of a person that I can't even explain it in words.
7. [+240, -2] The lawyer isn't making any sense. Why did Goo Hara kneel and beg for forgiveness, why did he send those e-mails to Dispatch? Why did he send the video to Goo Hara? ㅋㅋ
8. [+207, -3] Even if Goo Hara really wanted to film the video first, the only problem here is that he used the video against her to make threats
9. [+198, -7] Does he really think we're dumb enough to believe that a female celebrity would want to film something like that first???
10. [+196, -1] I honestly see the video as nothing more than his attempt to brag to his friends that he slept with her and then use it against her for money when they break up. It's hard to understand why a female celebrity would ever film a video like that, especially not with her phone but his. I think he's saying whatever he wants because he knows there's no way to prove it.
Source: Nate
1. [+526, -7] ㅋㅋㅋ He's so dirty. Nevermind threatening to leak it, the fact that he tried to blackmail her is the problem here.
2. [+515, -10] Why would you even send that video ther in a situation like this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ His excuse is pathetic. He sent it to cherish their memories together? What the f*ck is that? Even his lawyer is ridiculous and should resign from his job.
3. [+446, -13] He's claiming to have sent her the video to cherish their memory together?? Come on, you can come up with a better excuse than that
4. [+38, -1] Ah~ really? So after a huge fight, sending a Katalk message of your sex video together is a sign of cherishing memories? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Does he think we're idiots? Is this the best his lawyer could come up with? ㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+32, -2] Lawyer-nim, even you know on the inside that this doesn't make sense, right? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Article: Sex video... Goo Hara vs boyfriend, a new side to their messy fight
Source: TV Report via Nate
1. [+3,554, -137] Who hasn't had sex with their boyfriends here??? Celebrities are no different. This ba$tard's just pathetic for trying to use it against her. Pffft, go kill yourself, tsk tsk.
2. [+3,290, -47] Threatening someone with their sex video is a real crime
3. [+2,848, -85] Trash, thug ba$tard... poor Goo Hara ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ why did you film that video...
4. [+188, -5] This isn't just a "messy fight"... Goo Hara is the victim here
5. [+178, -2] Our country's laws on sex crimes are way too weak. We really need to start treating revenge porn in the same category as r*pe.
6. [+149, -3] He should feel fortunate that she let him off with some scratches... And I see some comments accusing her of not being more careful but let's be real, you all do it with your boyfriends and girlfriends, don't you?
7. [+105, -2] This is no longer a "messy fight", it's a crime
8. [+91, -2] I bet he filmed her secretly, especially with how much of a trash he is
Article: Goo Hara's ex-boyfriend fired from his hair salon "please restrict hate comments"
Source: Sports Donga via Nate
1. [+1,569, -18] Go read the copy of their Katalk conversations... the way the man talks makes me want to punch him
2. [+1,491, -17] Terrible ba$tard...
3. [+1,364, -21] Come on, man... what you're doing is no respect at all to someone you once loved
4. [+119, -4] You threatened to end her career??? How about you worry about your own life... The list of crimes you've been caught committing are several from smoking in a prohibited area to drunk driving to assault and now a sex crime. Don't worry about her life, worry about going to jail and not being able to find a job with that on your record.
5. [+93, -1] I doubt he ever loved her from the start. He just wanted to date a famous celebrity. The way he's speaking, you can tell that he 100% told all of his friends what she's like in bed.
6. [+93, -3] He was already psycho for filming her secretly and then to have the audacity to use it against her... even jail isn't enough for him
7. [+77, -2] I'm thinking he wanted to get a Gangnam building out of her
8. [+72, -2] Karma is coming back to bite him~
Source: Naver
1. [+17,006, -576] You guys wanna know what gives me more goosebumps? That 'Goo Hara video' is dominating the search rankings right now and that there are actually people out there hoping to catch it. They're all the same criminals as this man right now.
2. [+6,501, -70] Can we please stop protecting the identities of criminals
3. [+5,727, -204] Goo Hara, find strength
4. [+4,602, -76] Choi Jong Bum... how goosebump-inducing
5. [+1,609, -15] I think it's so funny how it takes two to make a sex video and yet it's only ever used against the woman ㅡㅡ why is it only the woman who's the victim... How deeply rooted is this misogyny? It should be the man who filmed it and leaked it who should be punished but the victim is always the woman ㅡㅡ whether there was consent or not, he should be equally punished for blackmail, no? ㅡㅡ
6. [+1,276, -12] It's so sad that women consent to these videos because they do it out of love in that moment and yet men use it for all sorts of evil acts and consider it a tool of sorts. It's disgusting.
7. [+978, -3] Now I see why she scratched his face. If I were her, I would've dug his eyeballs out.
8. [+922, -15] Does he not know that times have changed??? Leaking something like that not only ruins the woman's life but we're now in a generation where the man gets shamed too.
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