Article: iKON's Goo Junhee, will his third apology recover his image? "I'm reflecting over my controversies down to my bones"
Source: Sports Donga via Nate
1. [+101, -1] Well he has to keep making money but now he's faced with an obstacle... I bet you he'd still be showing his true colors otherwise. His character is trash.
2. [+82, -2] It's worth considering kicking him from the group!
3. [+78, -1] He tried to act so smart only to realize that his actions could affect his group's album sales. Pathetic how he immediately put his tail down after that. People like him who have no intelligence at all always usually believe that they're right no matter what and never change their opinions.
4. [+15, -0] As expected, he's from YG
5. [+10, -0] It's always the nugus who cause more scandals on SNS
6. [+7, -0] I doubt he's genuinely reflecting on the inside... probably going like "what's everyone making a f*cking big deal about this for"... A person doesn't change just because they're called out on it.
7. [+5, -0] Such a pathetic kid who is affecting his other hard working members with his arrogant actions
8. [+4, -0] In my 30 years of life, I have never seen kids like him mature later on
9. [+3, -0] Why bother apologizing when you're just going to cause another scandal soon enough ㅋㅋㅋ I bet you 100% of my assets that he's going to cause another scandal
10. [+3, -0] It's hopeless when stupid, unintelligent kids consider themselves artists
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