Article: 'Show Me the Money 777' D. Ark's ex-girlfriend reveals, "forced sex"... is it true?
Source: Star Today via Nate
1. [+627, -19] Another piece of trash has been found
2. [+611, -23] I saw the post coming up on SNS right after 'Show Me' ended yesterday and here it is now in the media. This young ba$tard must think he's something now that he's been on TV but I have to admit that his ex doesn't sound all that normal either, especially for both of them to be acting like this at such a young age. Sigh, who cares if he's a good rapper when he's a rotten person.
3. [+582, -9] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 15 years old
4. [+62, -1] Why would an adult woman in her twenties date some middle school rapper... So she claims that she didn't want to do it with him because they didn't have contraception, does that mean she would've done it with a middle schooler if they did have one? What a unique person.
5. [+46, -2] There was a reason The Quiett didn't want him on his team...
6. [+43, -2] Wow... a middle schooler did this..?
7. [+40, -18] But he stopped midway once she told him this was rape... They had previously done it before but she rejected this time because they didn't have contraception and the guy kept going until she warned him so he stopped.. what's the problem then???
8. [+35, -0] He seems like a choding though;; why would any woman date a kid like him unless they're dumb enough to;;; especially an adult woman;;;;
9. [+34, -8] But she's a 20 year old woman who slept with a minor, doesn't that make her a criminal too?
10. [+33, -3] Judging by the picture of them kissing, obviously they were lovers at point... this 20 year old is so loud about dating a teenager ^^
11. [+32, -16] When this allegedly happened, he was 13 and she was 20, an adult. So why is eh being hated on? Isn't the woman more problematic for dating a minor and all that? By the way, I'm a woman in my thirties before you accuse me of being a woman hater.
12. [+25, -1] Goosebumps... he's only a middle schooler...
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