Article: "Looking gaunt" Sunye's first update since third pregnancy news + retirement controversy
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+2,190, -29] She's being paid to advertise that product, right?
2. [+1,745, -35] Just retire already, not like you have any popularity left
3. [+1,684, -38] All the bloggers on Naver who beg for free products do this, right?
4. [+109, -2] She does exactly what everyone hates...
5. [+100, -3] Must've gotten a new sponsorship
6. [+87, -3] She's ugly. She seems to think she still has her idol looks;
7. [+80, -2] Where'd she spend all the money she made as an idol... that she's now resorting to what beggars on Naver blogs do...
8. [+77, -1] Who would even want to buy this product after seeing her skin?
9. [+73, -2] Ajumma, stay home! tsk tsk
10. [+68, -0] I'm laughing at the company that would actually want Sunye as their model ㅋㅋㅋㅋ as if anyone would want to use the products she uses; even Sohee is being called a has-been nowadays and they think they can get anywhere with Sunye? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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